Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is it really only Tuesday?

Wow!  I can not believe it is only Tuesday!  I feel like this week is dragging by so slowly it must be because it is absolutely beautiful outside and I just crave the free weekend time!  Anyone else get as excited for spring/summer as I do?

I know some people are so sick of someecards but I find them to be absolutely hilarious!

I unfortunately slept right through my alarm this morning and woke up a bit later than normal so no morning workout for me today.  Total bummer.  However, when I got home I decided to head out for a quick 3 mile run.  As you know I am following the Tone It Up Bikini Series and they just started a new challenge called #100bysummer where you can run, bike, swim, or dance your way to 100 miles by the first day of summer!  They did this a while back for the the Love Your Body challenge - it was so fun and a great way to push yourself to get in 100 miles!  It may seem like a lot but it is really do-able if you stay consistent.  It just started this past Monday (the 13th) and it ends up being an average of 2.5 miles per day!  Join in on Twitter, iInstagram, or Facebook!

Me post run today - wiped out!

I love Chicago but the weather here is always all over the place!  Yesterday it was in the 60's and today it was 90 degrees at 5pm when I did my run!  Phew!  I had a hard time getting my breathing down and struggled a lot during the run, so instead of the 3 miles I had planned -  2.7 was the final tally.  Better than nothing!  I always put SAFETY in front of DISTANCE when I do my runs during the summer months.  I would much rather get home in one piece - then push myself too hard during a workout and get heat stroke, sick, or injure myself.

I will admit that this makes me a bit nervous for my half marathon in July.  The race starts at 6:30am so hopefully we will beat the summer heat and have nice running weather.  The run today made me realize how important it will be for me to do my training outside rather than on the treadmill at the gym.  Not only is it completely a different feel when you run, but I need to get used to warm weather elements so I don't have a hard time like today.  Good thing is that I have about 2.5 months to prepare myself.  Is anyone else running a race this summer?  What is your favorite time of year to run?  Do you do prefer running on the treadmill, roads, trails, or tracks?

Oh!  I have to share this great little recipe with you!  For anyone who is challenged in the kitchen like I am - even you will be able to make this!  For the Tone It Up Bikini Series I have the bestest partner ever.  I got home and knew I needed to refuel my body but I didn't have any chocolate syrup to put in the milk for a quick protein drink.  My partner gave me super easy recipe to match it and if you are a Tone It Up girl I am pretty sure you have the ingredients in your cabinet.

Shannon's Homemade Chocolate Milk

8 oz of milk (I used skim)
1 1/2 tbsp of cocoa powder (you really can't go wrong with chocolate)
1 tbsp of stevia (yum yum yum)
Mix it all up and ENJOY because it's DELICIOUS

I will probably do this recipe now instead of milk with syrup - this was just too good!

Another thing I wanted to post about today is a new class I am taking.  I just graduated with my Associates degree this past weekend and don't start my Bachelors program until August BUT I can't go very long without learning something new.  A while back I entered a giveaway on Grow.Soul.Beautiful for a 6 week online photography course for moms called Momtographie (by Beryl Young) and WON!!!  I never win anything!  We just started Week #2 and I am learning so much!  I've kept my DSLR camera on the top shelf in my closet for the past two years or so due to major frustration with it.  When my camera came in the mail to me, I thought that it would take professional looking pictures like magic and was so disappointed when it didn't.  So when I won the giveaway I just about freaked out with excitement.  Throughout these 6 weeks we are going to learn the key ingredients of great photography and learn how to get our cameras out of AUTO and take the reins on being creative with camera settings.

Well, it's time to settle in for the night and watch a movie with the hubby.  I chose 50/50 to watch tonight - have you ever seen it?  Hope you all have a wonderful evening - make sure to catch up with me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!


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