Friday, May 31, 2013

What tops YOUR bucket list?

Is there something you have been wanting to do, something so out of character it would shock people that know you best?  Something that may seem strange to others, but for some reason inspires you to work harder, run father, study longer?  Do you want to go back to school and finish your degree or maybe even get a 2nd degree on top of the one you already have?  Do you want to compete in your first ever bikini competition?  What about travel to every single state in the US?  Retire by the time you turn 50?  Learn a new language or start your own company?  Bucket lists are fun to create and there is one thing that tops mine.

For quite some time now there has been something I have wanted to do so badly, and I figure I might as well write about it and make it a serious goal that I want to reach.  This may seem so strange - but thats why I think I love it so much.  I am a pretty square person - I tend to follow the rules (most of them anyways), I try to not create too many waves, I don't step out of my box too much, and I tend to take the safe route on most things I do in life.  I'm a jeans (or yoga pants) and t-shirt kinda girl.  I love hoodies and flip flops.  I don't dress up unless I have some where really fancy to go.  I don't where a lot of makeup, and I wear my hair in a pony tail 90% of the time.  I am a Libra - I weigh out every single option I have about a million times before making a decision - and ask just about everyones advice before I take a step in a new direction.  Even admitting that this is a bucket list of mine feels a bit revealing because it is not something I EVER thought I would be interested in.  So here it is.

I want to be a pinup girl.  No, no, no I don't want to be posing in Playboy.  Let me explain.  Right around the time that I found Tone It Up, I also came across this company called Vavoom Pinups.  They are based right here in Chicago, IL and they create the full pinup experience for you.  Hair, make-up, wardrobe, and photo shoot - they do it all.  It's private, it's fun, it's exciting...and most of all - IT'S EMPOWERING.  Here are some of my favorite shots from their website that they did.  All photos or videos on this page are from Vavoom Pinups.  GORGEOUS!!!

I have "watched the experience" videos about a million times just imagining how fun it would be to go back in time and be a pinup girl - when classic American beauty was in style.  When girls with red lipstick, gorgeous outfits, high heels and real bodies were in pinned up on walls across America and in magazines galore.  I have always thought that the pin-up girl alluded this amazing sense of confidence and beauty and I just think it would be amazing to get that feeling - even if it was for just a couple of hours - and just for a quick photo shoot.  I want for once to take my sometimes too serious personality - and go for a crazy roller coaster ride of being a 1940's pinup girl.  

The girls at Vavoom Pinups allow you to give create own direction - you choose what story you want your photos to tell.  Do you want to be sexy, cute, or maybe a little bit of both?  Do you want to wear a dress, skirt, bathing suit, lingerie, or daisy dukes?  Prop or no prop?  It's all up to you.  They give you suggestions on how to pose, but they want you to have a say in your shoot too!  It does not matter what your age is, your size, or your shape...this is about making you feel powerful and strong and beautiful. #1 bucket list adventure that I have never really shared with anyone is to go downtown and have one of these photo shoots done.  I just think it would be such a unique thing to have when I am 80 years old, to look back on and say I had the courage to take pride in my body and do a fun photo shoot.  To have a day where I was pampered, dolled up, and made to look like a classic hollywood beauty.

If you are interested in learning more about Vavoom Pinups, I have put links at the bottom of this page to both their website and their Facebook.  You can do a solo shoot or make it a fun party trip with your girlfriends.  It can be for a bachelorette party or just with your best friend.  You can get single prints or make a whole calendar.  It's up to you and there are so many different options to choose from!

Have you ever done anything like this before?  Would you?  Let me know in the comment section what tops YOUR bucket list.

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